Botox injections

Botox is injected in small amounts into the skin to relax the muscle fibers in order to reduce their power of contraction and thus prevent or diminish wrinkles and expression lines.

Synonymous with beauty, wellness and cosmetic treatment without surgery, Botox is one of the most sought after services today to combat wrinkles, furrows or asymmetries of the face, as well as other health conditions.

At Stem Life Clinic, we have experts in the application of Botox to help you have a better physical appearance and quality of life.

What is Botox?

Botox is the brand name for botulinum toxin type A and is used in a controlled manner for medical purposes for the treatment of neurological diseases and in aesthetic medicine applications.

What does Botox do in the body?

Botox is injected in small amounts into the skin to relax the muscle fibers in order to reduce their power of contraction and thus prevent or diminish wrinkles and expression lines.

In addition to its use to reduce wrinkles, it is also used for medical applications such as:

  • Bruxism (teeth grinding).
  • Migraines.
  • Hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating).
  • Other conditions.

Benefits of Botox

The application of Botox has become popular due to benefits such as:

  • Fast application.
  • It does not require long recovery times.
  • It is not painful.
  • Its effects are noticeable and effective.

Botox in beauty and esthetics

The application of Botox to eliminate wrinkles can be performed in areas such as between the eyebrows, forehead, bar code, treat the gummy smile and the so-called “crow’s feet” to combat wrinkles that form with gestures and the passage of time.

Its effect is to relax the muscles in a subtle way to treat dynamic expression wrinkles (wrinkles that appear only when making gestures) temporarily. Its average duration is between 4 and 6 months so if you want to maintain its effects you must reapply it.

Possible risks

Although the application of Botox is safe, if you resort to non-professionals, you could have risks such as infection in the applied area, heat sensation, the appearance of small lumps, paralysis and even asymmetry in your face.

Put your health in expert hands! Make your appointment at Stem Life Clinic

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